Osteochondrosis of the spine: how it happens, symptoms and treatment

Osteochondrosis of the vertebral column occurs the destruction of the bone and cartilage of one or more divisions of the vertebral column. This disease is chronic and develops almost all the elderly. This is due to the normal aging of the body.

The back pain

The intervertebral discs are exposed to atrophic change, and at what age this occurs depends on many factors:

  • injuries;
  • of the disease and the overload of the spine.

The overload of the spine applies:

  • walking with the curves of the back;
  • a poor sitting position;
  • the characteristics of the structure of the spine;
  • the under-nutrition of tissues of the spine because of the hereditary anomalies.

Osteochondrosis nucleus, located between the spinal discs, it loses part of the water. Because of this in the kernel is a violation of metabolism and impeded the access of various minerals and vitamins.

After a certain time in the disk cracks appear, it is flat. Then, begin to be dazzled by the proximity of joints and ligaments, formant-an inflammation of the tissues. Because of the inflammation occurs a shift of adjacent vertebrae. It is dangerous to the advent of root symptoms: pain in the course of the victim of a nerve.

You can also receive an intervertbral hernia, and she, in turn, may cause compression of the spinal cord. For degenerative disc disease characterized by the appearance of osteophytes – outgrowths of bone at the vertebral bodies. These growths may compress the spinal cord and cause a syndrome root.

The more often the osteochondrosis exposed cervical and lumbar departments.

Osteochondrosis cervical


  1. sports activity (strength training);
  2. excess weight;
  3. the violation of the metabolism;
  4. sedentary work ( it professionals, accountants, drivers, etc);
  5. flat feet;
  6. injuries of the spinal column;
  7. hypothermia.

The symptoms

The main symptoms of osteoarthritis of the cervical spine pain in the region of the head and neck. The man worried about headache, pain in the neck, giving the hand, pain in sternum. The patient may complain of backache – the pain in the neck, muscle spasms of the musculature and restriction of movement.

You can hear the crackling sound during rotations of the neck. Because of the crushing of the nerves and blood vessels in humans may produce numbness of the tongue and the fingertips. A patient will complain of the decline of hearing and sight, the increase of the blood pressure and weakness in the muscles of the hands and feet.

Thoracic osteochondrosis

This type of degenerative disc disease is quite rare. This is due to the anatomical structure of the thoracic spine. It consists of 12 vertebrae, which are connected with the veins through the joints. In front of the coast between them connecting to the sternum. Therefore, it is an excellent part of the vertebral column, the sternum and ribs, which protects the internal organs from various injuries.

The vertebrae in the chest have a small waist, and long, spicy sprouts, which are one on top of the other, like tiles. Because of this structure, the division of the spine has a low mobility. The intervertebral disks and thoracic are rarely subject to injury.

The causes of the formation of this type of disease degenerative disk:

  • a poor distribution of the load;
  • the delay in the supply of the intervertebral disc;
  • a sedentary job;
  • the presence of a scoliosis.

The symptoms

As for other types, the first symptom of disc degeneration thoracic pain.

But when the low back pain the pain may be different. Back pain – long, uncomfortable and weaknesses of pain over the thoracic vertebrae. The pain may affect cervical and lumbar area.

Dorigo is one of the signs of disc degeneration thoracic, in which the pain occurs in the form of a heart attack. By nature it is intense, intense, leads to breathing difficulties, led to the limited movement of muscle. In addition to the pain in patients can occur a feeling of numbness in the chest, the violation of sexual function, pain in the heart, kidneys, and stomach.

What is dangerous is the defeat in the chest?

The spine is designed in such a way that, in the thoracic region, it narrows, so the hernia, occur due to disc degeneration, rapidly lead to the clamping of the spinal cord. It is easy to lead to problems of the heart, the pancreas, the liver, and the kidneys, in effect, the thorax, the department is associated with all of these organs through the nerve fibers. This is why it is important to consult a doctor. It will help you understand where are the problems that you have signs of degenerative disc disease, and be held responsible for the treatment of the disease.

Lumbar osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine occurs due to elevation of the gravity. In the standard, in the centre of the disc is a nucleus containing a large amount of water. Thanks to a liquid, the kernel is a bit compressible, and for his break-up will need a compression of 500 kg

However, struck with osteochondrosis of the disk becomes weaker and weaker, and his break will need a total of 200 kg If a person weighing 70 kg will lift 15 kg of cargo in position folded, and the spine is and there is a charge of 200 kg, — intervertebral disc can tear. This is why the first symptoms of the degenerative disc disease of the spine manifested in the rise of gravity.

The symptoms

  • the pain in the lumbar region;
  • the impossibility of movement in the lower back;
  • sleep disorders;
  • irritability;
  • fatigue;
  • the impossibility of the implementation of the household needs;
  • a decrease of the sexual function in men;
  • the irregularity of the menstrual cycle;
  • the syndrome of "cold feet".

During the passage of the degenerative disc disease of the sacral area the patient appears pain in the region of the kidneys, and a violation of urination.

The diagnosis

The treatment of degenerative disc disease organises a doctor neurologist. For a start, it conducts examinations of the vertebral column, draws attention to the presence of a scoliosis. After the sensations doctor will be able to understand just how amazed of the vertebral column, the tendons and nerves are.

After that the neurologist souponne osteochondrosis of the vertebral column, it will direct the patient to an additional review. This includes the passing of the exam, with x-ray magneto-magnetic resonance. In the case of suspected destruction of intervertebral disc is performed discography. It is also prescribed to determine the degree of the lesion of the nerve pathways.

Usually the diagnosis "osteochondrosis of the spine" to put in place very hard. In effect, the person can give the pain in the heart, the liver, the kidneys, the pancreas, or sexual dysfunction. But still, at the time of the review to an experienced doctor will be able to suspect the disease, and to assign the right medication.


The therapy of degenerative disc disease is very long and heavy process. In the acute phase of the patient, requires the rest of the victim of a segment. If amazed cervical, the patient should wear the fixing of the collar Gap. If the harm to the lumbar – sick need a bed. The better to place the patient in a hospital. Only there, he will be able to comply fully with the mode. The bed in such a patient must be rigid. To do this, under the mattress put a shield of wood.

The drug treatment

As has been said above, the main symptom of the disease is pain. Therefore, the patient for the relief of pain and other symptoms of the degenerative disease of the disk are appointed by the painkillers.

Are also referred to as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Unfortunately, the prolonged intake of these drugs causes damage to the mucosa of the gastrointestinal and the patient will appear the following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • the pain in the stomach;
  • a feeling of heaviness in the belly.

You Can also aggravate a stomach ulcer or receive the bleeding gastric. Therefore, before the use of these drugs should consult a doctor. If the pain caused by osteochondrosis, lasts for 3 months, with these drugs are named by the antidepressants. Found that, with the exception of the action calming, they are able to ease the pain.

All of these drugs can be attributed to a symptomatic treatment. They will help you to relieve the pain, but no issue of man of the disease itself.

For the recovery of the intervertebral discs and the cartilages are named chondroprotectors. These drugs improve the metabolism of the connective tissue and contribute to the rebuilding of cartilage. The drugs take a long period of time, on average 4 – 6 months.

In addition to the repair of tissue and the improvement of the metabolism in them, these drugs have a and effect analgesique. Another group of drugs that are required osteochondrosis of the spine are drugs that improve blood circulation. Their use contributes to the widening of the blood vessels, and if in the whole with them to take drugs-antioxidants, in humans will improve the metabolism of the nerve cells.

As in any disease, the sick are needed, calcium supplements. It recovers the activity of the bone, increasing the strength of ligaments and tendons, but also the prevention of osteoporosis – disease which accompanies the osteochondrosis.

The performance of the shaft under the lower back


Measured by the load on the spine will improve the state of the patient. But make exercise very marc. In the acute period of exercise are contraindicated. With only subsided the pain, you can begin to interest me.

The exercises improve the blood circulation in the spine, strengthen the muscles. Due to the influx of blood to enhance the metabolism and begins to repair the intervertebral discs. But it must also be remembered that courses should be held regularly, otherwise the result will not be.

The year when the defeat of the cervical spine

  1. Lie on your back and straighten up. Place one hand on your belly and the other on the chest and take a deep breath, slow breathing for 10 minutes, then exhale and relax. The duration of the exercise 3 – 5 minutes. The day where you should perform 3-5 times.
  2. Lie on the stomach and straighten the legs. By pressing the belly and the feet need to lift the head and the upper part of the chest. Exercise and 3 to 5 minutes with an interval of 30 seconds.
  3. Lie on your back and bend your knees. In this position, rotate to the right and to the left. Exercise and 3 to 5 minutes with an interval of 30 seconds.

The year when the defeat and chest

  1. Lie on the belly. Rest the hands in the soil and bend back. Hold this position for 5 to 10 seconds. Exercise and 3 to 5 minutes with an interval of 20 seconds.
  2. Lie on the back. Lift the head and the feet (of the boats). Hold the position for 10 to 20 seconds. Exercise and 3 to 5 minutes with an interval of 20 seconds.

The year when the defeat of the lumbar region

  1. Lie on your back, bend your knees and place them on the chest. Swing front to back and roll the back over the rump and back. Swing up to 2 minutes. Then, you have to quietly lie down and relax.
  2. Need to get up on all fours and flex the extent possible. Exercise and 3 to 5 minutes with an interval of 20 seconds.
  3. In a standing position, honda as spinning a hula hoop for 2 to 3 minutes. The exercise is to perform 10 times per day.

The surgical treatment

In the absence of effect of conservative treatment and the occurrence of complications of degenerative disease of the disk, is assigned to a surgical treatment. During an operation to perform stabilization of the spine, to remove pressure on the spinal cord and the nerve roots. If an intervertebral hernia it goes away. Because this operation can damage the spinal cord, and nerves are on the board, it is carried out only on vital.


The appointment of physiotherapy has a positive effect on the course of the disease and speed up the recovery process. Osteochondrosis authorized:

  • the sauna or the bath;
  • swimming in the pool;
  • massage;
  • the paraffin;
  • manual therapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • various bathrooms;
  • mud therapy;
  • electrophoresis of the anti-inflammatory properties means or muscle relaxants;
  • magnet therapy;
  • D'arsonval.

All these treatments improve the blood circulation in the sector, sick, allow you to relax the muscles and get the relaxation of the whole body. Physiotherapy treatments are appointed in a period of rehabilitation, when the patient is not to be disturbed by a severe pain.


Of the degenerative disease of the disk, no one is immune. In fact, we are getting old, and with us getting older and all of our body. For the disease had destroyed your plans, it remains with the youth to do sports. A moderate physical activity contributes to the improvement of the circulation of the blood, the normal metabolism. In addition, the results in the muscles that protect the spine. For the prevention of the degenerative disease of the disk, each person must:

  1. eat well – vitamins and minerals needed by the body;
  2. give up bad habits;
  3. make physical culture;
  4. do not bend;
  5. protect the back of the hypothermia;
  6. do not lift too heavy;
  7. take a shower and warm;
  8. avoid the stress.

People suffering from this disease is particularly important to follow all the recommendations, in effect, the defect would cause the aggravation. At the onset of pain in the back, which is sustainable does not pass, you will need to refer you to a specialist. Only a doctor can make the right diagnosis and prescribe a treatment.

Do not over-tighten with the visit of the polyclinic, in fact, the disease is better to treat at an early stage. Also, do not self-give medications – each drug has its contraindications, you may not know. Be sure to follow your doctor's recommendations, and then the disease is little time to retire!