The pain in the lumbar region

With the pain in the lower back the sign of almost everyone. Such ailments, such as sciatica, lumbago, very frequent causes of work incapacity, especially for people engaged in physical work. Most often the lower back pain is related to changes in the sacral, lumbar, which it should be taken very seriously. Although the pain in the lumbar region may be the result of congenital anomalies of the spine, and the ligamentous apparatus, acute and chronic infection, intoxication, or even of the tumor.

Lumbar pain is sometimes very strong and sometimes, a person carries quite easily. The fact that the reactions to pain are individual, the psychic repercussions and age, and factors. In old age, sciatic pain is very strong, even if, generally, the perception of pain in the elderly and debilitated. In patients suffering from diseases of sensitivity to the pain arrives significantly reduced, including when the sacred sciatica.

Pain is a complex adaptive mechanism, it is sometimes called the "watchdog" of health. Caused by the exposure to the outside world, or problems in the body, it signals danger. Having received the signal of pain, the body includes protection mechanisms against the adverse effects. Because of the pain a number of pathological processes occur earlier than any external symptoms of the disease. So that the sensation of pain may play a positive role: they give to know that it is time to act. If you have pain in the lower back and rump, do not wait to contact a physician. Remember the eastern wisdom: "Cure the disease of the light, for not having to deal with heavy-handed".

In one third of patients with lumbar pain caused by degenerative changes of the spine, which bear the common name "degenerations". Osteochondrosis - the set of changes of the bones and ligaments of the spine due to the degeneration of the intervertebral disc. In addition, the osteochondrosis of the spine can develop bone vyrosty - spurs that irritate nerve roots and nerve endings of the spinal column and its ligaments, causing a stabbing pain in the back.

The intervertebral disks represent a lens is biconvex in shape corresponding to a small grooves on the surface of the spine. With age, the discs lose moisture, dry out, there are cracks, fractures and cracks. In the wake of the vertebra becomes mobile and can slide in the disk, which will lead to a narrowing of the intervertebral foramen and the clamping passage here spinal nerve root. The lumbar vertebrae are most mobile and have the most weight when you lift weights. Therefore, the discs between them are the most exposed to deformation.

the pain is back

With lumbar osteochondrosis have been experiencing pain, and the reason for this is not only a mechanical irritation of the nerve roots: in the rupture of the membranes and the walls of the intervertebral disc are exempted of irritating substances pain receptors.

In a later phase of the disease, disc bulges, forming so-called mezhpozvonkovuyu a hernia, which usually occurs in middle-aged people and older. The most commonly affects the discs of the lumbar spine, as the intervertebral holes between the IV and V lumbar in vertebrae and between the V lumbar vertebrae, and the sacrum - the narrowest, and through them the nerve roots of the most massive. mezhpozvonkovaya hernia is very dangerous. And this is not only in the fact that it maintains the nerve roots, causing a type of pain sciatica. The massif of the herniated disc pressure on the spinal cord, which can lead to a loss of sensation or even paralysis of the legs, as well as the violation of urination.

For lumbar disc herniation characterized by the following symptoms: "spacers" - the patient in the standing position is forced to count the hands on the knee or a chair, to reduce the load on the drive, and "cushions" - the inability to lie on the stomach, placing it on a pillow; "the landing" sick, trying to raise anything with the sex, is not tilted, and crouched on his haunches.

One of the main causes of degenerative disc disease of the spine, the violation of the fat and salt exchange of substances. Sometimes, the low back pain appears as a consequence of development abnormalities of the intervertebral discs, the innate inferiority. To external factors, cause the development and aggravation of degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine are: the degree of humidity, strong temperature fluctuations, air currents; significant and sustained muscle tension and osteo-ligamentous apparatus of the lumbosacral region of the vertebral column; its mechanical injuries and chronic infections.

The most common form of diagnosis with a severe pain in the back sciatica. It was long thought that this disease has an infectious origin. However, the practice shows that in patients is usually not the temperature of the body increases, does not increase the number of leukocytes in the blood and the cerebrospinal fluid. Radiculitis almost no sick children. What this means, in most cases, is not the cause of sciatica can be an infection.

In fact, sciatica - one of the main manifestations of the degenerative disease of the disc. The pain in the lumbosacral region of the disease can be acute and sudden. It is usually unilateral, given in the buttock, the back of the surface of the hip and the external surface of the tibia. The pain when the sciatica can strengthen the change of body position, walking, coughing, sneezing, tender. Sometimes, it is combined with sensations of numbness, tingling, crawl with tingling, burning, itching. Increases the sensitivity of the skin of painful muscles of the back, buttocks, legs.

The symptoms of sciatica are sufficiently marked. The patient's change in gait, posture, appear characteristic of the movement and the posture. When walking, he may incline the trunk forward and to the side of the healthy leg. In a standing position, the patient's leg is bent, which reduces the tension of the nerves. The motion of a body in the lumbar spine are limited. On the side sick, the muscles of the back tense. When the sciatica is often the spine is curved. The patient sits on the health of the buttock, throwing the torso back, with an inclination in the direction of the healthy leg. If it is necessary for him to broach the subject with the sex, he squatted in a squat or tilt the torso forward, turning when the injury to the ankle. In the supine position, the patient's leg is usually folded.

Mild forms of sciatica practically does not restrict the patient in the movement. If the disease progresses, the muscle tone decreases, appears the muscle weakness, the patients worried about itching, a sensation of "crawl of the ants". Lying in his bed, the sick, the clock can't find a comfortable position. Often, they feel a wave of cold, drought, or, on the contrary, the moisture of the feet. The skin of the feet are pale or acquires a cyanotic hue and are refined. But the appearance of these symptoms is not necessary to put quickly the diagnosis of "sciatica". A similar picture give pannikulez - inflammation of the subcutaneous fat on the ground of metabolic disorders in adipose tissue, as well as lesions of the joints of the leg.

In addition to the recurrence of sciatica is very common, this form of the acute disease of the lumbar spine, such as back pain, or lumbago. When the pain irritated nerve roots, and you get a sharp pain. It occurs most often in people engaged in physical labor heavy, as a result of the surge of the lumbar muscles, and often when cold. But sometimes, the crisis of lumbago can cause both acute infections and chronic, it can also be one of the manifestations of the sciatic nerve. The pain, generally, it is brought to an end in a few days, but sometimes last two to three weeks. Until the crisis will not let go to the sick person to better adhere to the bed rest.

A particular form of low back pain develops when after an intense physical effort occurs a slight tear of the muscle bundles, tendons, or bleeding in the muscle. This variety of back pain manifests itself pain in the back throughout the length of the spine, and a sense of muscle fatigue.

It should be particularly noted: if you have a sick lumbar region, this does not mean that surprised of the spine. The reason for lower back pain can be myositis (inflammation) of the lumbar muscles. The disease lasts a long time. The muscle pain is not such strong, as in lumbago, and dull. With this, the muscles are seals, painful on palpation and traction. In patients with chronic infections and metabolic disorders myositis of the lumbar muscles may be combined with joint pain.

Sore lower back: what to do?

The back pains are so strong that, without treatment, do not do so. Regardless of the cause of the crisis, in the early days, you have to stay in bed. In the following days, as the pain subsides, the patient is allowed to walk, and first preference on crutches to relieve the spinal column. The bed should be tight - a thin mattresses laid on a shield of wood.

For the warm-up in the area of the greatest sensitivity apply irritating ointments, as well as the mustard or patches heated. Bring relief warm shawl wool, electric heater, a bag of hot sand, of the leech. It is good for the crushing of the anti-inflammatory properties and analgesic. At the myositis help warm compresses.

The analgesic effect have elektroprotsedury: percutaneous elektroanal'geziya, sinusoidal modulated currents, diadynamic currents, electrophoresis novocaïne and other. With the same objective are used in reflexology (acupuncture, moxibustion, electroacupuncture, laser therapy) and novocaine blockade. When the sciatic nerve, caused by a displacement of intervertebral disc, apply traktsionnuyu the applied therapy torso on the bed or under the water. These procedures must be carried out under the conditions of the hospital. Effective balneotherapy - chloride of sodium, radon, sulfide, turpentine, iodine-bromine bath, Naftalan, mud wrap low temperatures.

One of the actively developing species therapeutic effects of the pain in the back has become the method of "biofeedback". Its principle is justified outstanding domestic physiologist P. K. Anokhin still in the 30s of the last century. The method provides for the teaching of the management functions of the organization. Here is what it looks like in its application for the treatment of back pain. Before sick to the objective of maximising relax the muscles of the back. The patient sees his own elektromiogrammu, reflects the tension of the muscle, on the screen of the monitor, and when they shake heavily, hears the sound signal. During the relaxation of the amplitude of electromyograms decreases, the sound disappears. As a result, the patient has formed the motivation for a pathological reduction of muscle tension. Generally, the results are not immediately. For that the patient has learned to relax and to manage muscle tone, you have to spend five to six sessions. In the following, the patients are able to manage the relaxation of the muscles of the back yourself.

Of great importance to the elimination of pain and the prevention of crises has port external support devices - orthoses: corset corrector posture; reklinatora a corset, eliminating the slope), a cable clamp, as well as belts: elastic belt for the weightlifter or the installer. They warn the deformation of the spine, improve venous and lymphatic outflow, give to the figure of the harmony. Well, if the composition of the material from which is made the belt, between the wool.

It is important to take into account if it is to comply with the recommendations, the port regular braces can cause and the evil. First of all, wear their must be above the under-clothes, to avoid scratches. Too much tightening of the key orthotics which makes it difficult to breathing, digestion and blood circulation in the lower half of the body. If you do not leave it neither day nor night, may atrophy the muscles of the lumbar region of the spine. Orthotics are helpful in the prolonged sitting position at the table, intensive physical exercise, driving in the public transport. The rest of the time, better without them, the muscles have to work. The ideal tool against back pain, have been and remain physiotherapy sessions. Own muscular "corset" made man "relief" for the spine unnecessary.

Sometimes, in order to remove the pain of the heart, patients must resort to receive anti-inflammatory and analgesic. When very severe pain are more effective in intramuscular injection. Usually prescribe analgesics and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs . Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal means of abuse is not worth it. Contra-indications to their use are ulcer of the stomach and 12 duodenal ulcer in acute phase, the function hepatique. To avoid complications, it is necessary to take only one drug short of exchange of 5 to 7 days, pre-creasing as a function of their individual characteristics of the organism.

Elderly (over 65 years of age) and hypertension, heart failure, or ulcer drugs non-steroidal it is better to replace so-called inhibitors of cyclo-oxygenase-2. These medicines are practically does not irritate the gastro-intestinal tract and do not have side effects. Nice to pass a series of injections of vitamins, particularly the group S.