Why evil in the muscles of the back and what can you do

If you are experiencing pain in the back muscles, the causes are different possible. The spin of the man of the nape of the neck to the sacrum is completely covered with muscles and is a great physical activity. So why back pain the muscles?

The pain and cracking in the joints over time and can lead to dire consequences, local or total limitation of motion of the joint up to the disability. The people, taught by bitter experience, to heal the joints have a natural remedy, which recommends a rheumatologist.

The disease of the spine

They have 85% of the population of the Earth. Affect the vertebrae, intervertebral discs, spinal cord, trunks, roots of cerebrospinal nerves, veins, arteries, capillaries, ligaments, muscles. The most common of the disease: osteochondrosis, ankylosing spondylitis, Ankylosing spondylitis, arthritis, osteoarthritis, and scoliosis.


The enemy of the spine
Osteochondrosis is a chronic disease of the spine, leading to degenerative lesions and bone destruction, intervertebral discs, vertebral joint cartilage as a result of:

  • heredity;
  • a poor diet;
  • excess weight;
  • injuries;
  • the sedentary way of life;
  • excess charges;
  • the stress etc

Because of the anatomy of the transformation of the spine, its mobility problems are the nerves, soft tissue, the medulla of roots and vessels.

Occurs the pain.


  • the violation of posture.
  • the reduction of the mobility of the spinal joints (inability to straighten up to 100%, turn the head);
  • the decrease of the sensitivity of the skin, numbness, tingling.

For the removal of the changed load on the spine reflex of the muscles stretched (compressed). With time, the constant tension causes more muscle pain. The nature and location of the pain Influence of the area of distribution:

  1. In the case of cervical osteoarthritis, which are so close together the veins and arteries, the pain paroxysmal, tingling, throbbing. Location the most often unilateral and the nape of the neck, the other part of the head.
  2. When the low back pain, whose symptoms are often similar to other diseases (internal organs, for example), the pain is acute of nature, similar to a myocardial infarction, or gradual, of the growth, which is similar to pneumonia, but with the absence of cough and heat. Focuses in which inter costas area, in the area of the blades and the top of the abdomen.
  3. When lumbar osteochondrosis pain in the muscles of the back suddenly, with a sudden. Muscle pain, lumbar and foot, with the impact of the groin and pelvis.

In difficulty a variant, when intergrowth vertebrae, the pain diminishes or disappears.

More symptoms
When the cervical osteochondrosis, in addition, muscle pain and a sore back and neck, the symptoms of a deficiency of oxygen: dizziness, nausea, headache, decreased alertness, sensitivity of the hands and the shoulder girdle, shortness of breath, limitation of mobility cervical. Adulthood is a possible sudden loss of consciousness, difficulty variant – paresis and paralysis of the hand.

When osteochondrosis of the cough, the "com" in the throat, difficulty swallowing, slopes, freehand, hypertension, heart pain.

When the low back pain — a numbness or tingling sensation of the skin, paresis and paralysis of the legs, the men have difficulty with urination and erection in women, menstrual disorders.

Your doctor to manipulate, to work diagnosis
Due to similar with other disease symptoms patients go to a general practitioner, a cardiologist, a gastroenterologist. It takes time, causes complications. Profile doctor is a neurologist.

2 method of diagnosis:

  • laboratory: community-based and biochemical in the blood;
  • instrumental: x-rays of the spine in 2 projections, MRI, CT and biopsy of microscopy.

According to the results of the research, the options are selected treatment methods. The treatment of degenerative disc disease If it is present, the muscle pain in the back, the conservative and surgical treatment. Conservative in common:

  1. The medication treatment. Assigned at the time of the crisis. The NSAIDS are used, muscle relaxants, hondoprotektory, vitamins of group b, E, angioprotectors, glucocorticoids, biogenic stimulators.
  2. Physiotherapy. Through electrophoresis, acupuncture, magnetic therapy, physical THERAPY, and other healing process is faster.
  3. A thermal cure. Effective in the period of remission.
  4. The plan. In a period hypertensive crisis need to eat small portions 5-7 times during the day, to the exclusion of roasts, choosing boiled and steamed food. Drink at least 1.5 litres of water per day.

When inefficacia methods pass intervention: delete intervertebralis herniation or intervertebral disc protrudes up to replacement by an implant, silicone (prosthesis).

The diseases of the internal organs

Sometimes the muscle pain occurs on the background of diseases of internal organs:

  • GASTRO-intestinal (ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, probodnaya the ulcer, and the pathology of the intestine);
  • the pancreas (chronic inflammation of the pancreas, chronic pancreatitis);
  • of the gallbladder (acute cholecystitis);
  • the liver (colic);
  • respiratory (pneumonia, pleurisy, bronchitis, tb);
  • urogenital of the device (prostatitis, renal colic), and gynecologic (fibroids, inflammation of the uterus, endometriosis);
  • of cardio-vascular diseases (myocardial infarction, angina, coronary artery disease, aortic aneurysm).
The pain is given to organizations in the back and is called diffundit (apparent).

The type of pain, the focus
When violations of the GASTRO-intestinal tract, pancreas, gall bladder and liver of the acute pain, the location of the stomach, the right side, with irradirovaniem in the lower back and the collarbone, a little below the shoulder blade. Hepatic colic pain covers the right shoulder, the scapula, the neck, the abdomen. When the inflammation of the prostate pain encircles.

In case of gynaecological diseases and genito-device of evil in the muscles of the lower back. A sharp pain in the belly and the genitals, diffundit in the back with the two parties, on the bottom of the rapid urination, a testament to the failure of renal colic.

In the case of diseases of the organs of respiration on the bottom of the heat pain diffundit in the back bottom of the shoulder blades and the chest, scelesto of the cough.

The pain in the back of the left, which spreads over the left arm and neck, bears witness to the pathologies of the cardio-vascular system.Pain in the back

Concomitant symptomatology
Suffering from nausea, heartburn, vomiting, hyperhidrosis. The muscles of the abdominal wall are compressed, making the abdomen hard.


The mechanical damage

With the wider distribution of the reason. You can get:

  • athletes in training because of the wrong calculation of the gravity or use the weight;
  • children of the mobility;
  • the divers at the impact on water;
  • pregnant women;
  • the young mothers during the extraction of the child;
  • when you lift weights or high physical;
  • during the movements;
  • in the event of a fall, especially with the height on the back or landing on your feet, in consequence of which, you can get a compression injury to the vertebrae;
  • during the mechanical shock from the outside of a blunt object, the wave, explosive, etc

The main symptoms: sore back muscles along the spine and in the place of the injury, it swells up. Because of a vascular injury occurs, bleeding into the soft tissues, bruises and hematomas.

View of the pain, the location of the
The damage due to an injury of the spine lead to dumb poured out the pain at the site of injury, without a clear definition of the concentration. In the event of damage, leading to a rupture of the ligaments without displacement or fracture spinous shoots, the acute pain is concentrated in the area of the spinous and transverse rods, when the fracture in the area of internal injury.
More symptoms
In the case of damage in the region of the chest — the loss of sensitivity in the limbs, ataxia, pain in the heart during inhalation.


Who to contact, diagnosis
You must get a visit to traumatologist, even if the injury seems to be insignificant. Injuries can show up later.

Performed with the eyes of the inspection, the medical history, the study of the evolution of the disease, is assigned to the CT, the x-ray. After the diagnosis, the treatment lead neurosurgeon and semper. The recommended treatment When the non-damage shows bed rest, the use of anti-inflammatory and analgesic ointments and gels. Gradually the bed rest replace the small expenses, trying not to be overloaded.

Helminthiasis, in particular echinococcosis

Rare is the question. The fox tapeworm – a parasitic diseasecaused by larval stage of the tapeworm Echinococcus. The infection occurs:

  • in case of contact with the animal is the bearer of a worm;
  • while eating a contaminated by feces, animals, berries, vegetables, fruits;
  • with water from natural sources, containing eggs of helminths.

Spreading the blood throughout the body, affects the internal organs, forming a single chamber of the capsule of the cysts in the form of the bubble, Cyst can contain up to 10 liters of liquid, to achieve a few pounds, train for more than a year. The cysts lead to progressive destruction of the affected organ, up to its atrophy. The rupture of a cyst may cause anaphylactic shock.

The cause of muscle pain in the back are the most often used of the echinococcosis of the spinal cord, or kidneys.

The type of pain, the location
The initial stage is asymptomatic. With the proliferation of cysts the situation evolves.

When the Echinococcusoz of the spinal cord gets stuck on the bubble of the body and the arch of the vertebra and of the spinal cord appears to be girding for a sharp pain in the concentration in the area of the crescent, at the time of drastic moves. The mobility of the spine decreases, direct back muscles to thicken, take the form of a roll, at the time of palpation, spicy shoots of the spine painful.

Concomitant symptomatology During the helminthiasis of the spinal cord, pain in the limbs. When the Echinococcusoz kidney — fatigue, lack of appetite, loss of weight, bad mood. In a later phase, are added to the renal colic, acute pyelonephritis, difficulty urinating, a motility disorder of kidney, palpated tumors of round shape in the area of hypochondrium. The treating physician Often, people turn to the allergist, therapists, neurologists, infektsionistam, which brings no relief.

The treatment is surgery, the doctor is a neurosurgeon.

The diagnosis of helminthiasis
The main methods are:

  1. CT. Can detect tumors in the vertebral canal.
  2. The myelography. Entry in intercavernous the canal of the vertebral column contrast can take pictures (myélogramme).
  3. A blood analysis . The reaction of passive hemagglutination.
For an accurate diagnosis is important medical history, contact with animals, consumption of water from natural sources, visits to forests, etc

Apply the treatment
While it is so painful to the muscles of the back? The treatment of the spinal canal is to remove compress the vertebral arch (laminectomy), the emptying of the bladder, the removal of its outer envelope, the treatment of the cavity of 2.5% iodium solution, then the salt of sodium thiosulfate.

Cysts infected the kidneys to eliminate, if necessary, to proceed with the resection or radical nephrectomy. After surgical treatment to avoid contamination are appointed by antihistamines.

Autoimmune diseases

One of the most serious reasons. Auto-immune disease in the myositis is an inflammation of striated muscle, which is triggered because of the perception by the immune system of their cells, muscle fibres, threatening the health of the pathogens and the destruction it their connective tissue shells. Maybe hit a muscle (local myositis) or more (polymyositis). If affected skin, it is dermatomyositis. Autoimmune myositis occurs independently and on the merits of the existing system pathologies: rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma.

The main symptoms are muscle weakness, tension, and swelling of the muscles, muscle pain, limitation of movements – seriously ill fate of her bed, maintains itself. Autoimmune

The view and the location of the pain
The pain is dull, not intense. Intensifies when the temperature changes, the movements. In some cases, completely lost. Focuses in the areas affected by the muscles.
Auxiliary symptoms
Can be local, an increase of the temperature. When the pascebantur of the muscles of the neck is difficult to swallow, the muscles and the chest and the diaphragm — hampered by the cough, the breathing.

During the Dermatomyositis piderme is swollen. Experience bagrovo-red spots or nodules, itching. Who to contact, how is diagnosed Autoimmune-myositis diagnoses and treats doctor a rheumatologist. Conducted an inspection of the sick, the refinement available complaints and the availability of a system pathologies. Named electromyography.

The treatment methods ofTreatment includes the use of:

  • anti-inflammatory hormones;
  • the immunosuppressive, inhibiting the reaction of the immunity;
  • extracorporeal methods of treatment hemosorption plasmapheresis;

During the aggravation of the disease by the intravenous route the vitamins and anti-toxic solutions. After the relief of the state is usually prescribed to massage therapy and physiotherapy.