Aches in the lower abdomen and kidney: this may be the reasons

Women pain suffer much more often than men. Among them, the pain is not only due to gynecological diseases, but for other reasons. The pain in this part of the body can be a symptom of a lot of very dangerous diseases that are a threat to the life of man. Only the doctor is able to diagnose and determine how you can cure the disease. Self-medicate here, it is highly desirable, moreover, perhaps it is simply dangerous to life.

the pain in the lower back and belly

Diagnosis, symptoms,

First of all, any doctor asks a patient who has pain in the foot region of the belly and lower back, the force, the intensity of the pain, as well as other of their traits. In particular, he is interested in:

  1. However, what is the nature of the pain (sharp, throbbing).
  2. Exchange it for it temperature of the body, if a person feels chills and shivers, not cast it in the heat.
  3. Where is the pain in the lower back, lower right abdomen, in the lower left, with the two sides, in the center).
  4. Causes: vomiting, bleeding, fever, difficulty urinating, frequent to envy him.

Patients doctor necessarily ask you to, did it the pain of the relationship in a month, the possibility of pregnancy.

Diagnosing the cause of pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, the doctors are taking the following:

  • Produce an endoscopy of the stomach, intestine, bladder.
  • Pass the testing laboratory for a possible detection of the herpes simplex infection.
  • Do a blood test. If the test reveals an increase in the content of white blood cells, increased SEDIMENTATION rate, the obvious choice is the presence of an inflammatory process.
  • Take urine. When she is high white blood cells or red blood cells, it is likely that the problems of the urinary tract.
  • An ULTRASOUND of the pelvic organs. It is produced in order to ensure that the pain is not caused by the diseases of the genito-urinary organs.
  • Make a special diagnosis for the screening of the disease, which can catch during sex.
  • Pass an x-ray of bones of a basin and the different sections of the spine.

What is the cause of the pain in the lower abdomen and lower back

The pain can cause of different causes and diseases. It is usually very strong, when an organ is located inside the body, torn, arrived perfektisto and in the man's internal bleeding.

When the chronic inflammation of the pain of the girl, aching drawing, when the intracavitary pressure, they usually have a character pulsatile.

Here are the main of the disease, a symptom which can be a pain in the lower abdomen and in the back:

  1. The inflammation of the appendix (appendicitis). The pain is accompanied with vomiting, fever. It is usually very strong, very acute, but in some cases, it is deaf. Premature the treatment of appendicitis can lead to rupture and the development of this deadly virus disease – sepsis of the abdominal cavity.
  2. The infection in the system the excretion of urine, inflammation of the bladder (urethritis, cystitis and others). In addition to the pain in the lower part of the abdomen and in the back, for these diseases is also characteristic of the presence of blood clots in the urine.
  3. Various infections of the intestine. The location of the pain is usually in the lower abdomen, but it happens in the lower back. It lifts the nature. The other typical symptoms of intestinal infections are mucous membranes and include them in kalovyh weights. Your doctor has to go immediately, because otherwise it may result in the complication, the more heavy – sepsis (blood infection).
  4. Inflammation of the intestine. The location of the pain in the lower belly. She reminds him-even in the back and the groin. If the inflammation ignore, soon, the ulcer direct or duodenal ulcer.
  5. Colitis. In addition to the aching pain in the lumbar region in man an increase of the temperature with bloating. At the beginning, the pain acute, but gradually becomes dull (when the disease is of a chronic form).
  6. A inguinal hernia. When the internal body is under the skin and put pressure on the muscles, kidneys hurt so unacceptably that the person may even lose consciousness. Among other symptoms of an inguinal hernia it is important to note the vomiting and nausea. Without an operation, here not to do, but because the ambulance, you must call immediately.
  7. Urolithiasis. The periodic pain, the nature of his stupid, but can also be acute (when the stone starts to move). The location in the various lower areas of the belly and the lower back.
  8. The low back pain. The destruction of the lumbar vertebrae leads to interference of the nerve roots, the onset of firing of the pain. Its location on the back, but it can give, and in the lower back, and in the areas of the abdomen.
  9. Neoplasms. The abdominal pain can also signal cancer of the digestive organs and genito-urinary tract.

It is not so common reasons for the appearance of pain in the lumbar and lower regions of the abdomen are:

  • osteoarthritis of the joints;
  • arthritis (rheumatoid arthritis);
  • stenosis;
  • the scoliosis.

Also pain in the region of the torso are possible therefore.

Characteristics of pain in women

The onset of painful sensations in the region of the abdomen and in the lumbar region in women cause of reports of the disease, but not they are alone. In case of problems, gynaecological ailments, the pain is in the right or the left of the lower abdomen, but sometimes, covers the whole of the abdominal region and lower back. It is the sign of diseases and conditions such as:

  1. Pms, or premenstrual syndrome. Accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. The cause of the syndrome – spastic contraction of the uterus. They are to be observed before and during the first days of menstruation. The syndrome caused by chronic inflammatory processes.
  2. The menstrual pain. In the menstruation period of women of the uterus begins to increase, decrease, for the body was easier to get rid of blood clots. Events painful abdomen, as well as in the lower back are caused by just these intense contractions. That women are less stable hormones, the most painful symptoms. If she has already given birth to, these pain events say serious diseases.
  3. The cyst and other benign tumors.
  4. Vascular Accidents of the ovary. Arrives after the class, the gender, the year when the mature follicle with an ovum is torn. The location of the pain in the region of the abdomen, but it is felt in the lower back. The character acute. Associated symptoms – dizziness, nausea, general weakness.
  5. The inflammation of the fallopian tubes, the vagina or the body of the uterus. The pain is severe, harsh. Delay the treatment of these inflammations is not.
  6. The curvature of the uterus. Called it the transitional, the genetic. The location of the pain manifestations of the abdomen. They pulling the nature.
  7. Annexite called the inflammatory processes in the uterus. Disease usually begins after birth, abortion. In a first time, the pain slack, their location in the abdomen. If the disease is not treated, develop a peritonitis (inflammation of the pelvic peritoneum). After that, the pain becomes unbearable, its location has moved in the region of the groin (right or left).
  8. Fibroids. It is a benign tumor, which is often localized in the lower abdomen, as well as the lumbar region of the body. Usually accompanied by painful cramps seizures.
  9. The extra-uterine pregnancy. Once the fertilized egg attaches to the fallopian tube, appear unpleasant dragging pain in the region of the abdomen (right or left), which give in the lower back. Of the different strengths of the hemorrhage, loss of consciousness of frequent symptoms of this condition. Symptoms of pain are magnified during the movements and defecation. Remove an ectopic pregnancy you need to immediately if not to avoid the rupture of the fallopian tube.
  10. Endometriosis (inflammation in the area of the cavity of the uterus and ovaries). The pain of this disease is particularly strong during menstruation.
  11. The gap of the ovary. Painful sensations in the lower abdomen in this disease are simply unsustainable, they lead to a loss of consciousness. The patient with this disease requires emergency surgery, because there is a great danger of contamination of the abdominal cavity after penetrating into the blood.
  12. The detachment of the placenta before the end of the pregnancy. The placenta detaches from the wall of the uterus, even before the baby is born. The disease is accompanied by strong painful feelings in the lower parts of the abdomen. Their character obtuse, ascending, paroxysmal. Other symptoms of the disease is the bleeding, as well as problems with the heart activity of the fetus.
  13. The threat of a suspension. The pain is more pronounced in the lower abdomen, but in the lumbar region, it is more and more weak.
  14. The premature delivery. Accompanied by cramping and pulling pain in the lumbar region or in the lower abdomen.

The belly and the kidneys can be affected immediately after the abortion. Here, the pain is a sign that the abortion has been held to fail, the fertilized egg removed partially. Treat an urgent need, otherwise sepsis.

Evil they are, and after too much of the wrong sex, after the rupture of the wall or vaginal, when the erosion of the cervix, of its damages.

the belly

If, after the sexuality is not only the pain is felt, but differs from blood, a woman certainly adds to an infection (usually chlamydia).

Polyps – another common reason, on which appear pains in the belly after sex. They often bleed. The polyps absolutely must remove it, because they are sometimes reborn in the malignant tumors.

Symptoms of pain with bleeding after sex can be due to dysplasia (the pathological changes of the cells of the cervix).

Also in women the pain in these areas of the stomach can be of the arteries, be caused by stress, frustration, depressive disorders. In this case, the woman needs the consultation of a psychotherapist or a psychiatrist and perhaps psihofarmakoterapia.

Why the underbelly and kidneys sore in men

In men, they do wrong, much less frequent than in women. The main reasons for this (or women) are diseases of the reproductive system. These include:

  1. The prostatitis. It is because of him the painful sensations usually and appear. Pain during urination or defecation – another symptom of an inflammation of the prostate.

How to get rid of these pains

The doctors are not very recommend the use of self-medication, try to clean it with the help of painkillers. The first thing you need to do is go to a doctor who will make a diagnosis, will prescribe you an adequate treatment. Medical assistance of these pains is mandatory if:

  • They persist for more than an hour.
  • The strengthening effect, when a person moves or coughs.
  • More than a day, is not in the saddle, but there is flatulence.
  • In calais there are blood clots or there is abnormal color black (a sign of internal bleeding).

The pain in the lower abdomen and lower back may have many causes, and as simple as stretching muscle during exercise, and from this terrible disease, such as sepsis, which occurs during the rupture of an internal organ. Self-here, the diagnosis is not made and no doctor can not do. Only it can explain everything and help you to get rid of the suffering. Try to get rid of the pain the most – a very dangerous business, can end in tragedy. So, the main thing – do not be afraid to trust doctors, because it depends on our health, and therefore quality of life.